It was a couple of weeks ago that we showed you footage from a hillclimb event in Belgium that we deemed completely impossible. Well, we’re back with more video of another hill climb that may actually be more impossible (we know that it is impossible for something to be more impossible than something else but, well you know) than the Belgian nightmare the riders were living in that old video. We move to Rachau, Austria for this one and the year is 1998. Sponsored by Red Bull there are plenty of serious riders taking a crack at this and then there are some people in costumes and decorated dirt bikes (the one with a USS Enterprise built on it cracked us up) who are seemingly just there for the fun and they take a beating as well.
Like the video from Belgium, the craziest/funniest/scariest part of these runs is what happens to the people and the equipment once they get thrown off. Multiple people dive away from their own bikes, one guy gets mauled by his, and many others are forced to slide down the hill and watch their stuff just get destroyed. There is one poor guy who chases his stuff down the hill and never quite gets to it as the machine flips, bashed, and mashes itself to pieces. Ouch.
This is all about watching and wincing. The good news is that the video below is from a television broadcast so you have a good English TV guy doing play by play on this junk and his call really makes the video great. We give everyone that tried credit, that is for sure. The crow is immense at this thing and apparently that is why it was ultimately shut down i 2003 or thereabouts. Locals got weirded out that there were 10,000+ fans coming to watch this thing and apparently they were of the rowdy variety. Who saw that coming?