When was the last time you plopped your adult backside into the seat of a go-kart and hit the track? I had the opportunity do just that earlier this summer and while it was great fun racing with a bunch of like-minded individuals until the sun set, something was missing…power. Before you all say it, yes, I know that I hinder the power-to-weight ratio of anything powered by a Briggs and Stratton engine, but there has to be a better setup for adults who want to go haul ass on a nice, curving track and we know of one type of setup that would be awesome: Proto P2 machines. These little beasties take scaled-down bodies of small cars…they are scaled-down, right?…stuff the powertrain from a hot superbike in, and are tuned for road course work. No more bugs in your face, no more random rock hitting you in the forehead. You, in a scale car, with a significant amount of power at the tip-in of your foot. Gotta be honest, I’m really digging the Fiat X1/9 bodied cars, but just imagine the scale bodies you could put onto one of these chassis. Seriously…if they had scale Trans-Am bodies from 1968-1974, how many of you would throw down money for some track time? We’d be there in half a second. Save the Dan Gurney AAR ‘Cuda for me.