OUCH – This Audi Vs. Bentley Accident At The Blancpain Sprint Series Misano Race Is Cringeworthy!

OUCH – This Audi Vs. Bentley Accident At The Blancpain Sprint Series Misano Race Is Cringeworthy!

That misty shot of dirt, debris, and scattering body panels is the result of the coming together of an Audi R8 and a Bentley during the Blancpain Sprint Series race at Misano. Coming out of a corner, the driver of the Audi, Laurens Vanthoor, was fighting with the Bentley of Jules Szymkowiak. As they left Turn 6, Vanthoor was finally starting to pass Szymkowiak when, as best as we can tell, he attempted to move across the track before he cleared the big Bentley’s nose and got PIT-maneuvered into the wall after sliding through the wet grass. The impact was violent – check out the wheel flying through the air – but Vanthoor emerged from the Audi better than expected, though it appears that at least one ankle/leg needed medical attention. The cars that race in the Blancpain series are high-end, but in the end, racing is still racing…accidents will happen.

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1 thoughts on “OUCH – This Audi Vs. Bentley Accident At The Blancpain Sprint Series Misano Race Is Cringeworthy!

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie


    They’re both products of the VW group and the drivers were directed to sacrifice their cars in order to atone for Dieselgate. Beware of similar things happening on a freeway near you…….

    Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll go back to my fiendish plan to run a diesel engine on an arsenic/cyaninde mixture….

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