More RideTech Autocross Action From The 2014 Goodguys Nashville Nationals – Killer Kars Kornering Kones!

More RideTech Autocross Action From The 2014 Goodguys Nashville Nationals – Killer Kars Kornering Kones!

(Photos by RideTech/Big Mike) – Words are fun, as evidenced by the title of this blog entry, right? We’re back with another sweet, sweet gallery of action photos by our pals at RideTech from the 2014 Goodguys Nashville Nationals. The show is a huge deal and having attended it last year, I can promise you that it is a smashing good time. The show participation is huge and the autocross participation is also significant. That’s something we should address, participation. Lots of people get scared or nervous about bringing their car out to run in an autocross or any type of automotive competition. You shouldn’t be. If your fear is that someone will laugh at you for being slower than other people, put it into perspective. That guy probably drove to the show in a mini-van. If he wants to laugh, let ’em! Your junk is exponentially cooler than his Camry and just for being out there you get all the points.

Other people may be afraid of breaking parts or hurting their car. There is a fool proof way to prevent this. Drive within the limits of yourself and your equipment. You have a gas a brake pedal, use them. If you want to go out and drive like Emerson Fittipaldi around the cones, you best have the horse to do that with. Chances are that you don’t, so drive what you have and drive it as hard as you can drive it without getting yourself in trouble. Then, when you figure out that you need more speed, call up the guys at RideTech or one of the other great suspension sponsors here at BangShift and get yourself some upgraded parts. That’s how the cycle works! Next year you’ll come back and be faster, which is the way hot rodding was designed to go. Forever forward, or in the case of the autocross, forever cornering!

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1 thoughts on “More RideTech Autocross Action From The 2014 Goodguys Nashville Nationals – Killer Kars Kornering Kones!

  1. 38P

    Of course if your car is newer than 1981, you’re basically hosed until a little “garbage time” on Sunday. . . .

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