Ok that title may be slightly on the misleading side because…well you’ll have to watch. Anyway, the guys are back with another episode of wanton automotive hi-jinx and fun. The “fun” comes in the form of the Draguar and the Rotsun being revived and put into the hands of Randy Probst, famed road racer and official Motor Trend test driver. The guys challenge Randy to a face-off at Willow Springs with each of them taking a turn in the Jag and then handing him a bone stock version of virtually the same car to see how one would fair against the other. The Rotsun? Yeah, you’ll have to watch to see that.
The real fun in this episode comes from seeing Probst wrangle the big car around the course and laugh his way through it. While he is too gracious to come right out and really flatten the thing he does repeatedly mention that he cannot see around the blower, the brakes are less than stellar, and that he openly fears for his own life while on the course. It is a fun watch all around. This is no Crop Duster episode but it is fun to see the cars actually get used in anger and the Draguar, even equipped with Hoosier slicks can really rip some stellar burnouts and donuts.
As Freibuger says at the end, sometimes these guys do stuff that may be more for their own entertainment than ours but at the same time we left this episode with a smile on our face so that is a win.
This was a fun episode.
With his talent and ability, Randy would have every right to be pretty smug, but he just comes off as a cool, down-to-earth guy who loves cars. It was a blast watching him and the guys have a blast.
I hope a Roadkill crew member can scrounge up the space to garage the ‘Vette Kart, seeing a bodyless car exposed to the elements is a little saddening.
Seeing Randy Probst hanging his head out of an open door and watching a burnout was the funniest thing I have seen in ages.
I have to say, best episode ever. I smiled all the way through it.. good fun.
Watching sports car racer Randy Probst getting goofy was awesome!
Another great episode!