Someone’s Fired Video: Watch This Rally Car Plummet From A Cradle As It Is Being Lifted By A Crane

Someone’s Fired Video: Watch This Rally Car Plummet From A Cradle As It Is Being Lifted By A Crane

Right now, somewhere across the globe, stuff is being loaded into a building. That stuff may be pushed in, driven in, or even craned in. We’re guessing it is if it is being craned in, the guys in this video would probably not be the contractors on the job and you’ll see why about :45 into the footage. It appears that someone forgot to set the brake on the car and after getting it about 15-20 feet in the air the cradle that it was riding in settled at a slight angle and the car rolled off like someone knocked it into gear. It lands like a lawn dart and then rolls onto its roof.

We were wondering if this was just some sort of display car that was being used to promo the team or the sponsors, but when you see the thing on its roof all banged up you’ll note that the bottom of the car is 100% smooth and we’re thinking that’s both for aerodynamic efficiency and because it is like having a massive skid plate under a car that presumably runs around at super high speeds through forests and over all kinds of different terrain types. We’re wondering who on the crew was responsible for either setting the brake, chocking the wheels, or generally doing something to prevent exactly this from happening. That guy was either standing in the unemployment line on Monday or he was being interred after getting pummeled by his boss, the race team, and the sponsors.


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4 thoughts on “Someone’s Fired Video: Watch This Rally Car Plummet From A Cradle As It Is Being Lifted By A Crane

  1. Matt Cramer

    They shouldn’t have trusted the car staying on that to brakes or wheel chocks – the car should have been strapped down to the skid like you’d strap it to a trailer, only more carefully since trailers are not used for overhead lifting.

  2. Gary D

    Typical. Everyone standing around with their thumb up their arse until the crap hits the fan and then everyone scrambles to look busy and important.

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