Over the years I have been granted the good fortune to put lots of words on pages both electronic and paper about cool cars. I am not sure I will ever have the opportunity to introduce the world to a pair of machines like I did in the Diesel Power Magazine feature I wrote about Nathan Mueller’s Duramax Camaro and Cummins powered Charger. These are incredible cars. They are not incredible because they have diesel engines. Frankly it wouldn’t be all that hard to jam a Duramax V8 (even a diesel one) into the place where an LS engine was. The magnificence in these cars is the level in which the work was done. The cars look factory, they fully function as factory engineers would want them to and they drive as nicely as they did the day they were built. But here’s the problem. Words only go so far. Enter this video that Mueller and his friends made.
Here you will see the cars burning tires, rolling coal, and generally cruising the countryside like you’d expect any late model car to do. There’s a pretty awesome narration to go with the video that hits on the technical points of the cars but it really hits on the larger implications of their existence. They were built by a craftsmen who will keep creating things that either he or his customers want.
I could ramble on for days about Nathan but I won’t. Instead I’ll direct your attention to the video below and I think you’ll sincerely enjoy it. After all, these are two of the most awesome diesel swapped cars on the planet and as the footage will tell you, they can burn tires, haul ass, drift sideways, and cruise down the road as good as any performance car on the market today.
Sweet rides! Nothing else to say
I’m sorry but the way they are modified the should be ILLEGAL for street use !!!!
Rolling coal on a diesel is a major poluter
Get these carcinogen spewing crapheaps to the crusher. If he is truly a creative visionary as the narrative gushes shouldn’t electric or fuel cell technology be used instead of ancient diesels with redneck tuning ?