There are times when we get tips from BangShifter out there that read the site every day, run across something, and just have to tell us about it. There are other times when guys that we know through the work we do on this leaky tuna boat of a website feel the need to send a tip our way. In this case it was Justin Cesler who is one of the best photographers in the automotive world and someone who has a keen eye for what’s cool. Outside of being a great shooter he is also the most successful guy we have ever known that started his career as part of a prison work release program. A true American success story. Anyway, he saw this truck for sale on the Detroit Craigslist and immediately thought of us. WTF was he looking for to find this thing? He refuses to answer that question. Let’s move onto the business at hand.
What are you looking at? For starters, this vehicle began life as someone’s pride and joy. A gleaming, brand new Chevy S10 truck that someone walked into a dealership during the 1986 model year and plunked down their hard earned money for. With its 2.5L Iron Duke four banger and manual transmission, they didn’t spend a bunch of money but it was a brand new piece and there was pride involved.
At some point, it was sold, and sold, and sold, and ended up with a guy who decided that it would be WAY cooler if it had 1950s Chevrolet sheetmetal mounted to the front of it, a scoop mounted on one side of the hood, a cab with no roof, dually style rear fender flares, wooden fender skirts, and a roll bar that has clearly been added for structural enhancement. The 1990s S10 wheels are a nod to the truck’s roots but add a more modern flair. Oh, we did forget to mention the exhaust protruding straight out the side of the bed and then magically branching into a y-pipe?
The asking price is $1,000 and for a guy like Justin Cesler, that’s pocket lint. We’d tell you to buy it but he already did.
Why is it every barf-mobile on your hallowed pages is Chevy-based?
That question answers itself really as fans of the bow tie emblem are pretty much lacking in anything apart from basic motor functions and you can always regognise them by the ropes of drool hanging off their bottom lips…
wow…just….wow. I’ve seen more attractive things floating in toilets left by 2/3’d of the first infantry division as they passed through out air strip during the war….
WOW! $1000.00 seems LIKE A LOT!
In order to more accurately assess it’s value, we will need an accurate weight, which can then be multiplied by todays rate for scrap steel to get an actual value.
But my prediction is that after you haul it to the scales @ the scrapyard, what they pay you will not cover the cost of the fuel burned getting there……
I don’t know about dragging that hideous hunk of abstract art to some junkyard? Wouldn’t catch me hauling that sorry ass of a vehicle anywhere!
Don’t do drugs, kids…
If syphilis was a car.
I just cant get past the `relocated’ front wheel openings…..that thing is just poo on a popsicle stick….
If this………..this….. this ‘THIS’ was a living creature, the immediate thoughts would be to assess the creature’s hardship and miserable existence.
Euthanasia or love and a commitment to have “it” live out its life in the highest quality possible are the issue.
This “thing” should be dismantled.
This isn’t even funny.