Train Wreck Tuesday: Because Sometimes Twin Turbos Are Just The Beginning Of The Fun

Train Wreck Tuesday: Because Sometimes Twin Turbos Are Just The Beginning Of The Fun

It just so happens that we not only got one tip on a crazed rat rod truck creation but we also had a second and since it is Tuesday and we like trains, you know the rest. Brian Blackstone sent us this bad boy which is for sale in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Unlike the truck that we showed you a little earlier today that had the little 2.5L four banger, this machine is powered by a twin turbocharged small block Chevy engine. While also based off of a Chevy pickup truck the foundation here is a 1960 half ton as opposed to the ’86 S10 with the other one.

There are various parts of this thing that we just cannot identify. Let’s start with the windshield. What BangShifter out there is able to tell us what OEM application that baby came from? Moving to the back of this thing, can anyone tell us what has been chopped, bobby, pancaked, and otherwise altered to create the “bed”? The nose of the truck comes from a Jeepster, the wheels are obviously Cragars, and the exhaust is pure bendy pipe from your local corner parts store. We do think that the clear tubing used as the charge pipes feeding the carbs is interesting. We’re not sure how they would work under sustained usage but they look curious when flanked with all the red, white, and blue paint in the engine area. According to the seller, the only things that the project needs is some fine tuning and bodywork. We’re not 100% sure with regard to the bodywork what else there is to do because, well, you know.

So the big question now of course is which one of the two members of the Train Wreck Tuesday club would you drive? No cop outs, you HAVE to pick one!

Check out the photos and the video below, then click the link for more!

wreck01 wreck02 wreck03 wreck04 wreck05




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13 thoughts on “Train Wreck Tuesday: Because Sometimes Twin Turbos Are Just The Beginning Of The Fun

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    What a waste of beautiful wheels!

    I have always been a big fan of Cragar S/S wheels – but not on a hideously deformed hunka shit like this. I mean – come on who in their right mind would hand over hard-earned cash for something this fugly?

    Are you guys trying to instigate mass vomiting by publishing pictures like this or are you just sadists with very strong stomachs…

  2. Caveman Tony

    Ummm…. Corvette rear window? And is the ass just the quarters of a 60’s falcon? And does anyone else think that the best part of this whole deal is that there’s a freakin Jaguar parked in the background? Which explains this guys tastes….

  3. elkyguy

    well,i’m thinking a 66 fury III for the bed area,and the windshield is obviously a backglass—-size and shape point to like a 62 vette,but that would be a real waste ,like most of the vehicle—when those turbos heat up,i’d love to see that sewer tubing melt…and a s 10 rearend? what’s another word for boom?


    The “bed” is 65/66 Fury metal no doubt about it…the rest of it…good lord. It looks like the musings of a drunken toddler.If my kid brought me this in for of a drawing I would not even hang it on the fridge….

  5. Sonny Crockett

    This one looks like Pebble Beach material in comparison to the S10 thing in the other article…

    1. jerry z

      No wait, can I retract my choice?

      They both suck! These people need to adjust their meds.

    1. Jack

      Body is early 60’s truck with the original gauge package in the shortened dash.
      Thing is way weird so I like it. Why be normal???

      Chevy truck that is.

  6. Jack

    Body is early 60’s truck with the original gauge package in the shortened dash.
    Thing is way weird so I like it. Why be normal???

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