This Video Comparison Of A 1950 Pit Stop VS A 2013 Pit Stop Is Simply Fantastic

This Video Comparison Of A 1950 Pit Stop VS A 2013 Pit Stop Is Simply Fantastic

Since day one, auto racing in all of its forms has been about evolution. The cars themselves, the rules governing them, and the practices we all watch with fascination in the pits. In many circumstances that evolution is largely hidden from the fans with changes being made to make stuff faster, work better, and survive the tough racing environment better. On the human side of the equation, pit stops have gone from Chinese fire drill looking affairs to amazingly coordinated efforts that are often the difference between winning and losing. This simple video takes an honest look at both the old school and new school approach of how to get a pit stop done.

In 1950, if you were the guy responsible for swapping tires, you had your work cut out. The guy trying to get the wheels loose definitely had it roughest. You’ll see him wailing on the knock off “lug nut” to get it loose while other members of the team are getting multiple jobs done. In today’s world, that guy probably would have been pulled aside and told to either straighten up his act or to take a hike.

There are certain things that were “better” back in the day but we’re not feeling like the pit stops and pit crew stuff falls under that category. This video is a perfect illustration of how people figure out better and quicker ways to do everything…even swapping tires!

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2 thoughts on “This Video Comparison Of A 1950 Pit Stop VS A 2013 Pit Stop Is Simply Fantastic

  1. Matt Cramer

    The 2013 pit stop had a lot more people there – but even if they stuck to the “three plus the driver” rule, they’d have had the car underway a lot faster than in 1950. The knock off wheels look like they were a major pain to deal with.

  2. 69rrboy

    Sure miss old F1 and the V-10’s. Just slightly more interesting than the weekly Merc charity race and award ceremony. Snoooooooooore!!!!.

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