Biggie Smalls: This Video Explainer On The Coefficient Of Drag Is Really Good And Enlightening

Biggie Smalls: This Video Explainer On The Coefficient Of Drag Is Really Good And Enlightening

Outside of the hardcore land speed racing set, the idea of aerodynamics and the things that have the most effect, positive and negative, are often lost on hot rodders. It’s been a world of “eyeball aero” since the days of stripping fenders and glass off of roadsters and running them all out on the salt flats. Modern automotive design has a huge weight on its shoulders to try and beat the wind to improve fuel economy and efficiency. That’s why this video rules. You’ll get an explainer in really basic terms about what the coefficient of drag really is and how it works.

Just because something is big does not mean it is bad through the air. That’s perhaps the first thing. Now, a Kenworth is a different story. That’s big and has the coefficient of drag equivalent to a small home, but pickup trucks and SUVs? Not as bad as you think and this video uses a pretty stark example of that to prove the point.

As usual, Jason Cammisa does a fun and thorough job over the course of the quick moving snippet here. We came away smarter for it. Give it a look!

Press play to see a great video on coefficient of drag – simple and fun explainer


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