Motocross is one of the most technically and physically demanding sports on Earth. The riders are in amazing condition, have reflexes that rival any professional stick and ball athlete and they’re showmen as well. Jeremy Martin is one of those riders and in the clip below you will see Martin suffer a crash that looks like it is about to end horrifically but amazingly the guy lands on his feet like a cat!
Watching the crash in slow motion is even more crazy because the thing seems so violent and so brutal you are just waiting for him to end up in a ball on the ground. Instead he’s standing there! We’re not saying that Martin pulled some Jackie Chan stuff mid-flight to save his own bacon but he had the sense of balance and presence of mind to actually catch himself at the end.
This video demonstrates the tight line that these racers walk. Seconds before he was tumbling through the air Martin was gliding effortlessly from jump to jump. He was a little short in landing and the rear tire of his machine kicked up, his weight came forward, and he became an unintentional acrobat after that.
We’d be hospitalized for months.
A solid 9.5 on the dismount!