Now this is the way to start your Tuesday. Yes, we are giving you the all-expense paid opportunity to watch the weirdest car chase of the 1970s right here and in living color. You will see an Opel Admiral sedan go toe to tow with a 1958 Fury coupe (that spends a lot of time being a 1960 Dart sedan with fake fins) on the mean streets of Hamburg, Germany. Things are kind of slow right up until about 5:00 into the film and then they get epic. The cars get hammered on and beat on and driven into each other. There are some super weird moments and seemingly unnecessarily and underwhelming stunts which add to the comedy.
The scene starts with an over the top fight and proceeds with some over the top film speeding up work by the editors to make the cars look like they are going fast when they are not. If the Fury tried to corner at the speeds illustrated in the movie, everyone would have died. EVERYONE.
There are some shining moments here and the part where the Fury is pushing the Opel backwards down the stairs is freaking awesome. Also, we may see where Hal Needham got the idea about sawing the top off the Catalina in Smokey and the Bandit from what happens to the Opel. Is it possible this movie actually had an effect on one of the biggest box office draws ever? Check it out and tell us.