Watch Two Gentlemen Have A Spirited Disagreement At The Conclusion Of A Spectator Drags Race

Watch Two Gentlemen Have A Spirited Disagreement At The Conclusion Of A Spectator Drags Race

Spectator drags at circle track events are the motorized equivalent of an organized bar fight. The combatants are never evenly matched, they are normally lacking the skills to make the thing entertaining, and ultimately it all just ends up as a messy shit show. We’ve showed plenty of spectator drags videos over the years here at BangShift but never from Oxford Plains Speedway in Maine. If you’ll remember back a couple of months, we told you about the sad tale of Oxford Plains Dragway which is on the same property as the circle track but was closed by the owners of the circle track because they simply didn’t feel like dealing with it. They’d much rather cater to the audience of brain surgeons that craves this level of entertainment.

Anyway, the two rocket geniuses in this video are competing in the finals of the spectator drags. One is driving a lowered Ram truck and the other is driving a Dodge Neon. We know. Those are two rockingly bad ass vehicles for circle track fisticuffs. Ram guy gets the jump on Neon guy and as a reward, Neon guy starts to nudge Ram guy down the back stretch. This is not something that Ram guy appreciates so when he gets the opportunity to get some licks in on the Neon when the second lap rolls around he tries to give the guy the chrome horn. Who saw this coming, especially with the Neon looking like it had survived a trip through the car crusher!

After both guys come to a stop and the announcer yells some nonsensical crap, Ram guy decides that he’ll attack the helmeted Neon guy and exact his revenge. This is so bad it is hilarious. Great work in ditching the drag strip Oxford Plains Speedway. You’ve clearly got the market locked down on the circle track. What a joke.


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