So we have seen the gamut of humor on eBay and Craigslist ads over the years. Stuff ranging from crude and rude to bizarrely creative. This one falls into a really classy zone and the seller does a really nice job to have some fun with the ad and play on the who idea of a Cougar. What also helps is that the car is freaking clean as a whistle. We’re not 100% fans of these cars but when you start to look at the photos of this one, the car seems to be virtually flawless. The 1970s brown interior is horrible but awesome at the same time.
One of the things that is missing from the ad are the heavy duty specs on the car. If the car does have a factory engine in it, there are three possible options. The first one is the weakling of the group, a 240hp 2bbl, 351ci Windsor. The second one is a four barrel 351ci Cleveland engine that was rated at 285hp and the last one was the big dog of the bunch, a mighty 370hp version of the 429ci big block. This one seems like a cream puff and that likely means the little 2bbl engine is under the hood.
It is a cruiser, it is a car that you can drive and enjoy, and it is a car that is obviously being sold by a funny guy. No shame in this game at all!
(Thanks for the tip Ian Tocher!)
Here’s the full text of the ad in case someone decides to jump on this Cougar! (link below)