Ah, the Sprint Car. One motor, four wheels one the ground and one wheel in the cockpit being sawn by a racer who knows that speed plus delicate inputs equals glory…and that one screwup could really, really hurt. Short wheelbase and a screaming V8 up front do not make for the best of friends on the best of circumstances on dirt, but at least the friction of the surface allows the driver to have a little sideways fun. On asphalt, the fun aspect is removed and unless the driver is keen on drifting at triple-digit speeds, it has to be a butt-clenching experience. Robert Stout is one of those particularly deranged individuals who runs on asphalt, and during qualifying at the Kern County Speedway he might have clenched hard enough to bite the seat. You see, Stout was in the middle of his flying qualifying lap when his right rear tire decided it had enough of holding air and deflated at 150 miles an hour in a corner. Think that sounds like fun? Check out the on-board footage and you tell us how you’d do:
That’s a pucker 5 !
Really cool under fire this guy