So, wow. Right? You are probably thinking the same stuff we are. Firstly you were struck by the fact that this truck is one of the cleanest square body, later 1980s Chevy dually trucks you had ever seen and then you were struck by the fact that it has a LOT of stuff that needs to get gone in a hurry. As much as we love retro pro street cars from the 1990s and we think that in a few years those will be the latest thing to become “retro-cool” we’re not sure there will ever be another day for Testarossa body work equipped dually trucks again. That is if there ever was one in the first place. Can anyone actually imagine what the people in Italy at Ferrari HQ did when they saw these body kits coming out? Think they just laugh or do you think they were peeved?
So the bed topper and body add-ons are dead to us but the rest of this truck is so great it defies description. There’s a 454 with a blower on it. Not some little weenie “mini-blower” but a real, honest to God roots pump right on top of the engine with a pair of 600cfm cabs chucking fuel down through it. The transmission is a Turbo 400 and that means it’ll last until the sun explodes.
The interior is so delicious we want to live in it. Almost.
In the fashion of the bodywork someone thought it would be bad ass to mount a nitrous bottle as a prop on the transmission tunnel. We’re sure some kids at the World of Wheels back in ’91 thought it was pretty awesome but that and the Gordon Gecko telephone are going to have to take a walk. The seats look perfect. We’re talking unsat-on perfection here. The dash full of AutoMeter gauges? That whole thing is perfect as well.
Overall, this is an amazing truck and one that we’d LOVE to get our hands on and fix. We’d also call WELD Racing and update the rolling stock to modern standards as well. Just sayin’.
Nitrous bottle is mounted backwards. Just a showboat.
Alpine cell phone! Yes!
Maybe, just maybe, if NASCAR would have a series for these, it might not implode
I hated those bodykits back in the day, although I’ve never actually seen one on a square body. Do remember seeing some later duallys with it though.
Man, you guys need to do a feature on the truck trends over the years. It would be hideously entertaining! Scary thing is, I can’t pick which era was the worse!
Yes, the bodykit ruins an otherwise nice unit. But somebody out there will think its a dream come true!