We just found this brand new video of the recent World Record Big Rig jump, where Mike Ryan jumped a big rig with trailer OVER a MOVING Formula 1 car. You read that right, here is more video of the big rig jumping the Formula 1 car! The new record is 83 feet and some change, and the behind the scenes video is awesome! Computer modeling, playing with toys, and years of experience in big rigs doing things they should not be able to do got Mike Ryan and the crew from EMC and Hopkins Motorsports into the record books again. We still can’t believe this one, it’s just so crazy to even think about, but watching it makes us jealous that we weren’t there! We’ve been lucky enough to hang out with Mike and his crew, and even ride in his famed Freightliner during some drifting and road course action, and can tell you that this guy knows how to wheel these big machines.
Check out the video below, it’s epic. And if you missed the original video that is just the jump itself, then click on the link below and watch it too.
Ok, so nobody had jumped a semi pulling a trailer before – so they decided to jump one over a moving car on the first attempt. That is insane. In an awesome way. Just takes a LOT of trust in the simulations!
For all the good they’ve done in F1, they should of landed on the car…without the driver…of course.
They are borderline broke, why not jump the trucks the bank will soon own?