Anything amphibious is cool. Lets face it, we all grew up wanting a hovercraft or one of those 6 wheel golf cart/go cart looking things that also floated, or anything else that could drive in both water and on dry land. And to prove that point almost every one of you reading this at one time or another destroyed some remote control toy that you pushed to the limits in wet environments that they weren’t intended to operate in. In the last few years, the world of waterproof electronics has changed all that though and now you can drive a ton of cool RC cars, trucks, and more in, through, or under the water. This is such a machine and we love it!
Check it out.
Sod big kid’s toys!
Let’s see the real thing built and see how far it gets. A huge turbo diesel, a massive snorkel and a scuba-wearing driver should be able to do it, In fact there’s probably some lunatic in Iceland putting one together even as I’m writing this!
Its been done, in a jeep!
YouTube. Dirt every day, episode…….
I’d give someone else’s left nut if some big ass fish would come over and tear off some big chunks. Now that would be cool!!