Best of 2020: This 1972 Ford Truck Commercial Is Crazier Than You Think It Was To Make

Best of 2020: This 1972 Ford Truck Commercial Is Crazier Than You Think It Was To Make

This tv commercial for 1972 Ford trucks is pretty good. There’s the requisite goofy premise and storyline to follow but there is also vintage dirt bikes, jumps, sideways action, and a whole lot more. There’s also BIG danger that you’ll see and recognize when you watch it.

The fact that the truck is on the motocross course is not the dangerous part but it is on the motorcross course with riders and everyone seems to be going about as fast as they possibly can. The riders and the truck, especially in the wide shots, seem to be freakishly close to each other. If any of these guys made a false move, fell down, or God forbid zigged when they should have zagged, it would not have ended well. Even in the opening of the ad when the truck pulls onto the course, you can see one rider almost eat the tailgate with his face!

Stunt drivers and riders have always accepted risk as part of their chosen profession but we wonder if an ad like this could even get made today. Are their rules as to shooting something like this or better asked, are there rules against shooting something like this in 2019? Would the stunt people sign off on it?

The truck is getting hammered on, the riders are hauling ass, and there’s a load of people using their skills to put together a far more complicated enterprise than it seems to be at first glance. Oh, and now we want to jump a 1972 Ford.

Press play below to see this 1972 Ford Truck commercial featuring motocross!

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