Add Almost 500 lb-ft of Torque to Your Cummins-Powered Dodge Ram With Plug In Ease.

Add Almost 500 lb-ft of Torque to Your Cummins-Powered Dodge Ram With Plug In Ease.

Never in history have you been able to buy a more powerful truck from the big three. The battle of towing supremacy has been pushed to limits even the engineers at Ram, Ford, and GM never expected. But when 1,000 lb ft of torque just isn’t enough, there are all kinds of options for more power, more mileage, and better drivability. Wait, what? Come on, we’re hot rodders, and as enthusiasts we always want more. Luckily Edge has got answers for that need for more power, as well as some trick monitoring capabilities for those of you who are gauge watchers who want to see what is really going on with your Cummins.

The new Insight CTS3 is your answer for monitoring all the vitals in your Cummins equipped Ram, and is also the base for addition accessory control via optional modules, censors, and switches. If you want all the monitoring capabilities of the Insight CTS3, along with complete data logging, and tuning capabilities as well, then the Evolution CTS3 is the answer for you. It allows you to tune your truck with a variety of performance levels. Some designed for better mileage, daily drivability, towing, performance, or all out drag strip passes.

Regardless of what you want, one of these two Edge products will take care of it.

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1 thoughts on “Add Almost 500 lb-ft of Torque to Your Cummins-Powered Dodge Ram With Plug In Ease.

  1. Labweiler

    How long before the EPA comes knockin’ on their door? The more visible you are the easier the target. Can’t deny anything either as your performance parts videos are plastered all over the ‘net.

    Our whole existence as gear heads is threatened by this one arm of the government.

    Oh wait when the EPA collapses the industry, all the awesome people at the companies that make the intakes, cams etc.. can just retrain and become computer programmers. Right? SMFH.

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