Today feels like a good day to take a trip back into the early 1990s and go monster truck racing at the Houston Astrodome. I never got to see a game, event, or monster truck race inside the Houston Astrodome in person but I watched 100 of them on TV over the years.
The sheer enormity of the place much have been really something to behold because on TV it looked like the eighth wonder of the world. The thing that I loved about the events in Houston was that the course was long enough that the trucks got up a really good head of steam during the drag race to kick off the runs.
This video from the Bigfoot YouTube page was likely shot by a team member as it is at floor level and it’s of great quality. The audio is a fun aspect of this. The television broadcasts had nice clean audio that did not really feature the echo that would have been present in such a massive building. This video does and for anyone who has watched monster truck stuff in a small arena when the throttles are just being blipped, you’ll appreciate how the sound scatters and bounces in this place. It is so big it may as well be outside!
Watch Andy Brass basically rip the rear axle out from under the truck on night and come back to kick some ass the next night. The thrash was real back then. Enjoy!