DIY Monster Truck Tire Repair: When Your Tire Is 66 Inches Tall And Costs $3,000 You Better Be Able To Fix Them!

DIY Monster Truck Tire Repair: When Your Tire Is 66 Inches Tall And Costs $3,000 You Better Be Able To Fix Them!

(Words by Charles Wickam) So you’re in your car, driving along, and then you pick up some road debris and suddenly your TPS starts dinging at you letting you know you have low tire pressure and that you might want to check it out. Sure enough, you have a tire going flat. If you’re lucky it’s a slow leak and you can limp it to a tire store and get it repaired. If not, you get the wump wump wump of a flat tire while going down the road. Either one sucks.

But what if you have a monster truck with 66-inch tall tires? They don’t exactly come with a road hazard warranty and it’s on you to replace it, or … fix it ? Wait, fix it? So that’s an option?
In this video, you will see what exactly it takes to repair a monster truck tire that has been damaged during an event. It’s no easy task and takes quite a bit of strength to manhandle one of those tires, which can weigh as much as 900 pounds, so watch this guy wrangle one with ease and get it patched ready to once again crush some cars.


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