Extreme E’s First Event Was Full Of Crazy Action, Flips, Crashes, Jumps, And More. And That Was Just In Qualifying!

Extreme E’s First Event Was Full Of Crazy Action, Flips, Crashes, Jumps, And More. And That Was Just In Qualifying!

The folks behind Extreme E certainly got the most out of the Extreme label during their first event in Saudi Arabia. We’re talking awesome and beautiful terrain and some insane action. The format of this race is different, there is a cause behind the whole exercise and the entire fleet is electric powered. With all that said, the drivers only know one thing. This is a race and they are going to do everything they can to be the ones that come out on top. I’m telling you, this is some good action and because the terrain is more like what you would see in the old Paris Dakar rallies, you see some crazy stuff going down. There was plenty of carnage in the first event, even before they got done with qualifying. Check out the shakedown video and qualifying highlights below.

Extreme E is a racing series with a cause, and one that is going to be so different and yet so similar to all the racing you know and love. Sure these off-road rigs are powered by electricity instead of gasoline or methanol, but they still haul ass and handle the rough stuff with no trouble. The racing action is gnarly and as brutal as any other. The one difference is that the locations of these races are in some ways even more remote and unique than you would expect otherwise. The videos below show the teams, the race locations, and give you a preview of the first course of the 2021 season. We’re excited to watch the racing at FS1 and FS2, and can’t wait to see just how this season goes.

And I’m not just talking about the racing, I’m also talking about the other initiatives that revolve around Extreme-E. We’re talking about climate and environmental awareness, change, education and more. Doing good things while also putting on great races is not a bad thing at all.


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1 thoughts on “Extreme E’s First Event Was Full Of Crazy Action, Flips, Crashes, Jumps, And More. And That Was Just In Qualifying!

  1. Patrick

    I watched it with an open mind. I get what they are trying to do. The scenery was absolutely amazing. The vehicles are slow. Picture a trophy truck on that track. It was not exciting, Not sure how one vehicle managed to hit the other. The race was not close. How did they charge the vehicles in the middle of nowhere. diesel generators?

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