It’s been a while since we showed you the projects going on at Kibbetech, but thankfully they have this great video to share what’s going on! Be prepared to drool if you like big wheels and tires stuffed up under long travel trucks, because there are a bunch of them in this video and we would love to have any of them. The welding and fab work that goes into these trucks is pretty gnarly, and we love the fact that they are so serious about their welding. In fact you’ll see on their tube chassis race truck that they do triple passes for a lot of their welds on the trucks as the weld size matters when you are talking about big tubing and big structural loads.
There is a lot of thought that goes into each and every truck in the shop, so that they work well off-road, on the street, or on the race course. They want all their trucks to run cool, be reliable, and to perform and that is why so much thought goes into them.
Check out the video and I promise you’ll dig it. Also, let us know in the comments below which truck project is your favorite right now.