Monster Carnage Video: Check Out This 4-Minute Compilation Of Monster Truck Crashes From The Old PENDA Series!

Monster Carnage Video: Check Out This 4-Minute Compilation Of Monster Truck Crashes From The Old PENDA Series!

I’m probably wrong about this but in my mind the pinnacle of monster truck “racing” came during the PENDA monster truck series time frame. I’m not talking about freestyle or about a hockey rink sized arena. I’m talking about wide open spaces, big speeds, and massive jumps. It was good, honest competition with some of the coolest vehicles in the world at that point in time. I also happened to be enthralled with monster trucks at that time so it made for some really fun Saturday and Sunday mornings watching this stuff.

I actually remember one of the wrecks in the video vividly. I’m talking about the Snake Bite crash where the truck drives though a shed after bouncing over the wall. This was during the time when the “show” started to morph a little because driver personalities were beginning to get more important. The Snake Bite truck was driven by a guy in a mask who went by Colt Cobra. It was the first “villain” character I remember in monster truck racing. Anyway, that truck gets cattywampus and heads across the track, jumps Jersey barriers, jumps a fence, and then runs over what looks to be a pre-fabricated shed. It rules and Steve Evans did the voice work for the show so he got the call on it. Check this video out!

Press play below to see this 4-minute video featuring vintage monster truck wreckage

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