Project Hay Hauler: The Rust Repair Continues, And Boy Is This Project Snowballing! Is It Getting Too Nice?

Project Hay Hauler: The Rust Repair Continues, And Boy Is This Project Snowballing! Is It Getting Too Nice?

Sometimes you start in on an already driving project, with the best intentions of just doing some minor stuff and getting it back on the road, only to end up falling down a rabbit hole of repairs that ends with a whole new engine build, or a complete rewire, or in the case of Project Hay Hauler the body coming off the chassis for rust repairs that just keep coming. To be fair, this truck had some serious swiss cheese going on, and the repairs could have been done “simpler” I suppose, but when you work in a hot rod and restoration shop like Scott does this is how things get done. We’ll keep you posted because this is the start of much more going on in this truck’s life, so stay tuned. If you missed any of the previous stories or video, use the link below.

Project Hay Hauler has been a fun one to follow, but it has always been with photos and words rather than video. Well, that’s all changing now that Rebeldryver, aka Scott Liggett, is doing A BUNCH of rust repair on this thing. I have to tell you, I’m not sure what to think if this thing has more than half the sheet metal in the rockers, and floors that don’t make the carpet wet when it rains. The truck has a great patina, but it also has had some pretty serious cancer that really needed fixing if this is going to be a driver in the long run. He’s already put a lot of miles on this truck, and it’s had a couple of different engines, but these rust repairs are certainly going to make it a lot nicer. Oh, and there is some bonus footage of projects that are being built at his day job. Check it all out.

Video Description:

This is our hot rod pickup, a 67 GMC. We are bringing into the shop, The Muscle Car Factory, to fix the rockers, floors and cab corners that were rusty. I also show the classic muscle cars that are currently in the shop for restoration. This truck has been a project vehicle on You can read all about Project Hay Hauler from the day we bought it.


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