SEND IT: High Flying Sand Dunes Jumping Trucks Take Over Pismo Beach! Watch This!

SEND IT: High Flying Sand Dunes Jumping Trucks Take Over Pismo Beach! Watch This!

Every time I see a video featuring high flying desert race style trucks or prerunners I want to build one. Then when I’m actually around them I want to build one even more. As a responsible person I know that I need to finish my other projects before taking on something new, and so I’m going to wait. But when I’m done with this batch of projects, I promise you that a prerunner of some kind will be on the list of stuffing getting fabbed up in the shop. I love these things. In fact I’ve always wanted to build a long travel, high flying, Suburban that could haul 4-5 people in comfort and sky like the trucks in the video below. If you want to see guys that epitomize the term Send It, these are the dudes for you. And if you haven’t had the chance to go to the dunes in California, Arizona, Michigan, or Oklahoma then you need to make sure you do what you can to get there and watch trucks and buggies fly like none other. It’s a riot to see in person and amazing to experience, that’s for sure.

Watch and enjoy and let us know which truck you like most.

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2 thoughts on “SEND IT: High Flying Sand Dunes Jumping Trucks Take Over Pismo Beach! Watch This!

  1. Mopar or No Car

    In case you don’t know Oceano Dunes is under attack by the envirocrazies. If you like this do what you can to keep it open.

  2. Jay Bree

    The Greenies won’t rest until we’re all sitting in our approved living rooms playing simulations of everything on our tablets. Eff a bag of environazis!

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