Stadium Super Trucks Attack The Nashville Grand Prix Sideways, On Two Wheels, And Flying Through The Air

Stadium Super Trucks Attack The Nashville Grand Prix Sideways, On Two Wheels, And Flying Through The Air

The Nashville Grand Prix has to be one of the most interesting and technical race courses you’ve seen in recent years. There are parts of this city road course that are so tight you wonder how they can race around the corners, and yet has ultra high speed sections where the racers are going over the bridge and into a sharp left-hander. It’s tough enough for open-wheel race cars and Trans-Am series cars, but when you throw Stadium Super Trucks around the course on three wheels, smoking the tires under braking AND on the throttle, and of course flying through the air the action looks nearly impossible.

Stadium Super Trucks are always fun to watch and nothing says America more than seeing them hauling ass around Nashville. These trucks make 650 ish horsepower, are all equipped with nearly identical components, and that makes super close racing in an environment you might not normally expect. They race on the tarmac, with jumps made of steel, and that means three-wheel corners, lots of banging and bashing, big air, and lots of sideways cornering. It’s off-road style racing, in town, and in front of crowds that are used to watching open-wheel racing instead of big tired trucks. And the action and excitement level is always on kill with racers and spectators alike never know what might happen. Watch this race here and you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.

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2 thoughts on “Stadium Super Trucks Attack The Nashville Grand Prix Sideways, On Two Wheels, And Flying Through The Air

  1. KCR

    I know Robby Gordan is awesome at this type of racing. And I had seen his son run with him in a Baha race. Now at 13 years old. That is 13 !!! His son is driving one of these . WOW!

  2. KCR

    And Mad Max Gordan at 13 years of age. Works his way up from the back of the pack . To finish in 5th place. 13 years old. Wow.

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