We have loudly and frequently proclaimed our admiration for the truckers of American around here. These are the men and women who keep the country moving, fed, and operating. They do not get the respect they deserve (or the paycheck). This being said, even within that brother and sisterhood of truckers there are some who do stuff that makes most of the others blanche at the mere mention of their activities. We’re of course talking about the people who drive logging trucks. These guys and girls are working in the wilderness, fording rivers, muck holes, and who knows whatever other obstacles to get the load out of the forest and to the mill.
The video below is a pretty long compilation of a bunch of different hair raising scenes involving logging trucks. From the muck and mire of the forest to battling a slick and treacherous looking downhill mountain path, calling on all of your knowledge and ability seems like a daily job for these people. It would seem to us that to be any good at hauling logs, especially in an environment like this, you’d need an intimate knowledge of not only the roads but also of the truck itself. Knowing the gearing, the way it actually turns, and all the other stuff in order to compensate for the ever changing road conditions seems mandatory.
This is freaky stuff and we’re thinking that we’d be cured of this professional after about one round trip to and from the woods. That being said, we could munch popcorn and take this show in all day!