Wheel Standing Trucks Hooked To The Sled And Carrying The Wheels For Days!

Wheel Standing Trucks Hooked To The Sled And Carrying The Wheels For Days!

If you like lifted trucks on Boggers, then this video is for you. These are most certainly NOT street trucks, but they do look a lot like the ones you would have seen in all the off-road and 4×4 magazines back in the 80’s and 90’s and we love them. I’d like to have another big lifted truck, and will probably have to put that on the build list once we get to Texas, but until then I can drool over these. Open headers, big lifts, boggers, and no fear in having them aim for the sky as the owners set them on the chip and let them rip. I’m impressed as hell with how hard these trucks pull. I’ve got no clue how much weight is in the box on the sled, but it’s enough to make sure these suckers claw at the sky and that’s just how I like it.

You’ll see no weight on the front of these trucks like you normally see on a regular pulling truck or tractor as the point is to point them at the sky AND go down the track. Adding weight would be completely counter productive to the former which would make the latter no fun at all.

Check it out and enjoy. We sure do.

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1 thoughts on “Wheel Standing Trucks Hooked To The Sled And Carrying The Wheels For Days!

  1. Will Whitt

    So the deal with the weight is you can count hooks on top of the weights in the box. The sled has a dry weight of 32,000 pounds. Each block weighs 2,000 pounds. Four times two is eight thousand pounds plus thirty-two. So they are pulling typically 40,000 pounds. At this event, the box hit the top of the rails at roughly 250 feet. At that point, the weight is converted to drag weight roughly doubling rolling weight due to the coefficient of friction.

    Subscribe for more and thanks for the share,
    Dub Dub

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