Chad’s Annoyed With CraigsList Sellers So We Went Shopping For Him – Here’s The New Reynolds Family Hauler!

Chad’s Annoyed With CraigsList Sellers So We Went Shopping For Him – Here’s The New Reynolds Family Hauler!

(By Greg Rourke) – Chad is searching Craigslist for a new family hauler-slash-tow vehicle. All he’s getting is annoyed. He’s looking for love in all the wrong places. Craigslist is not where to look. The correct place to look is Hemmings, the bible of the car hobby.

I took the liberty of finding the perfect vehicle for Chad. A 1981 Kenworth K100 with a car hauler body. 300 rompin’ stompin’ Cummins diesel horsepower. Nine forward gears. A 36 inch sleeper. And at 21,000 miles, it’s been driven less than 600 miles per year. It’s barely tickled!  NTC Cummins typically go for 500,000 miles before an inframe overhaul is needed.
So here we have it. A family truckster that the missus will be happy to ride around in. No trailer hitch needed, just winch the hot rod up the ramps and haul ass. I’m slightly concerned about the price…”Inquire.”
Problem solved. Glad to help.


kw1 kw2 kw3 kw4 kw5 kw6 kw7 kw8

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4 thoughts on “Chad’s Annoyed With CraigsList Sellers So We Went Shopping For Him – Here’s The New Reynolds Family Hauler!

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Yup – that’s about the right size for the average bloated American family who think a hot rod’s a warm stick…..

  2. aircooled

    I can’t even begin to imagine what kind (and amount) of Taxes and Fees California would extort from anyone who tried to drive that as a non-commercial vehicle in that fiefdom.

  3. 3rd Generation

    I just don’t respond to ads without a price. Never.

    That thing is old and will not be easy or cheap to insure for starters.

    Your heart is in the Right Place though.

    Merry Christmas infidelz !

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