BangShifter Matt Cramer was getting concerned and for good reason. It had been a while since a trar (truck/car mashup) had appeared on the site. Desperate to correct this ever growing problem, Matt struck out on the internet and discovered this 1966 AMC Rambler station wagon that has ben mated to an old Dodge “army truck” frame. From the front and profile angles things appear to be shockingly well lined up but then in the photo from the rear of the thing, the whole car body appears to be offset to the right somehow. Maybe there was stuff in the truck drivetrain or chassis that needed to be worked around? We have no idea.
Overall we’d say the wagon is a looker. With tons of space for stuff, amble seating for six people, and toe stodgy, old school, ageless look of the Rambler, all it really needed was a giant truck chassis under it. The wheelbase is a perfect match to the wheel wells, the custom light bar on the roof is awesome, and the only thing we’d really change is to spray bomb the wagon wheels white instead of silver because that’s the color those babies are supposed to be.
The engine? Yeah, that’s weird too. The seller believes it is a 350ci Pontiac or Olds. Here’s the full text:
I’m selling my off-road toy. It’s a very very clean 1966 AMC rambler wagon. I have all the original chrome for it also. It’s a cross country. It’s sitting on an early 1970 military dodge frame. It’s powered by an older 80’s 350 engine. Believe it’s an olds or Pontiac engine. This car/truck runs and drives. It does need the rear driveshaft put back in. Have everything it needs. Looking to get 1850$ or best offer cash. I do have the original 1970’s New York transferable registration for the car!!! Email call or txt
CLICK HERE for the full Craigslist Ad featuring this Rambler Wagon trar
The body does appear to be offset. Easy redneck fix; change the wheels, more offset on right side, less on the left side. Problem solved!
I have to say I could see myself driving this thing. Fix the offset which should be simple, and just ride high.
If it’s a ‘military’ chassis, why is it only a half ton?