The idea of a “flying car” has been around for a long, long time. From the ill-fated flying Pinto to machines being developed by companies like Terrafugia, everyone has had their idea about what a “flying car” should be. Well, Airbus is in on the game now and frankly they have more resources in their catering department than most any other effort into this area has ever had before so it could get really interesting really quick. The company claims that they will have a working prototype of their version of a “flying car” by the end of the year. Did we mention that this one flies itself? Yes, it flies itself. Seriously folks, in an era where every new day seems to bring a slate of insane and incredible news, is anyone shocked by this?
We keep putting “flying car” into quotes because there have been a million interpretations of what those two words actually mean. In most cases people have attempted to make things that drive and fly. This concept does not have wheels and does not drive at all. It can vertically lift off and then the props move into a horizontal position to give it forward motion.
The idea here is to relieve traffic and congestion on the roads and while it all seems logical and nice, there’s about 3.2 billion logistical issues that would need to be addressed in every city and town on Earth about how this is all going to work. Let’s say you want to take one of these babies into Boston. You take off at some unknown location where airplanes can take off in your town and then you land…where? You land somewhere on the outskirts of the city and….TAKE A CAB to where you are going? Walk a couple of miles?
We’re not attacking the technology. We’re not attacking anything really but we are trying to figure out just how these things are going to solve any sort of a problem as they created thousands of new ones.
There was a UC Davis professor who built one more than 25 years ago. The same problem he encountered holds true now. The FAA has an antiquated system for controlling air traffic. They will not allow millions of people flying around in air cars with air line traffic and small air craft. They will eventually need to get themselves out of the 1970’s.
Google’s is already flyiing
It seems that burnt-out acid heads from the glory days of Haight Ashbury have now penetrated Airbus! For only somebody completely off their heads on some Owsely’s finest could come up with a concept and a drawing like that!
My advice is lay off the sugar cubes pal – stick to coffee and doughnuts and you might stop flying….