While it appears that the insane, over the top rat rod thing has lost some of the wind in its sales, there’s no shortage of hot rods that are being built to look weathered and old while maintaining a high standards of quality. Take this 1938 Chevy hot rod pickup that we found for sale on eBay. It has a lot of awesome touches like the way the cab is chopped, the whole mean looking front end, and the big block Chevy engine that’s making the power to boil those narrow tires for blocks. It gives a bit of a nod to the ratty crowd with the faux patina paint which under different circumstances we dislike but here we think it fits the whole package pretty well. A lot of thought and metal working went into this truck to get the stance, attitude, and look correct. We think they nailed it on all three fronts.
While horsepower numbers are not given, let’s be honest here. Even a mild big block would be hilarious in this car and probably verges on the terrifying with that little contact patch front and back. I’m a tall and skinny tire kind of guy so this one really strikes my fancy, especially in the photo of the truck taken from dead on in front. The symmetry and the overall look is great, especially with those big finned aluminum brake drums and the grill shell just peeking down below the front axle.
Inside is as spartan as you would expect but not torture chamber like some cars seem to be built. It may not be a cross country cruiser because let’s face it, with those zoomie pipes blowing the exhaust at the occupants it is going to be a little on the stuffy side in the cab, but it would be awesome to roll this thing around to shows and cruises within a day’s drive, right?
My own personal tastes may push to towards and artillery style wheel and a deep blue paint job over the whole thing but as far as a great basis with which to work and make it your own? This Chevy is really neat.
Well I hate to say it but here’s a Chevy that I’d actually want to own!
For this is the coolest most awesome rat rod I have ever seen – perfection on four wheels is putting it mildly
Well done you have melted my heart of pure Ford iron!
C’mon Brian, this is the most overdone concept of the last couple of years. Dropped old truck cab, crap interior, pie plate tires, yawn.
You were on a hot streak until this belly button ride showed up…………
Happy Friday.
I dont see anything a nice paint job couldnt fix….
Real patina is one thing…fake patina makes me want to go on a murderous rampage….
I dig it. I’d shorten the front by a solid foot, though. Tuck the radiator tight to the engine, and push the axle back to an in of the grille, done.