Doing It Wrong Video: How Not to Crane a Boat Into the Water

Doing It Wrong Video: How Not to Crane a Boat Into the Water

We’ve often thought that being a crane operator would be a pretty kick ass gig. Commanding such a powerful piece of machinery and completing tough jobs that require skill and a steady hand would be a cool way to earn a paycheck. Then we see stuff like this and decide we’d probably cause immeasurable damage to personal property and botch things up so badly that there would be news helicopters involved.

The task being performed in this video is a pretty basic one, lowering a boat into the water. There are two cranes being used at the same time to complete this job. This must be very difficult to coordinate properly and we say that because this whole operation ends in a complete disaster. It doesn’t take long for things to unravel, but the good news is that the boat ends up in the water. There’s also lots of bad news, but that’s reserved for the guy who owns the crane. The best news in the whole situation is the fact that both of the crane operators appear to come out of this mess unharmed.

We’ll just say that we’d hate to be the guy at the crane company who had to pay and figure out how to “fix” this.


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2 thoughts on “Doing It Wrong Video: How Not to Crane a Boat Into the Water

  1. Dan Geruss

    No such thing as an oops when you’re operating a crane, it’s a total oooohhhhh ffffuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk

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