Does Freaky and Weird Equal Expensive? The Seller Of This 1965 Dodge D200 Long Bed Sure Does

Does Freaky and Weird Equal Expensive? The Seller Of This 1965 Dodge D200 Long Bed Sure Does

$15,000.That’s the asking price for this 1965 Dodge D200 Long Bed truck which is interesting, different, certainly pretty rare, and kind of cool but wow that seems steep. If you are someone who loves pickups that have all the weird option boxes checked for their particular age than this one is right in your wheel house. We have seen a few crew cab Sweptline trucks over the years but we have never seen one with the long bed option. On top of that, we’re not sure someone has not actually made the long bed LONGER on this truck.

The truck runs and drives, has a later model big block swapped into it and appears to be largely rust free. All this stuff is good for sure and in terms of a restoration project the rig seems to be totally intact so it would largely be about cleaning the thing up and reassembling, right? The truck does come with an interesting pile of parts as well including spare doors, axles, and other stuff which could certainly be sold off to make back some of the purchase price.

Don’t get us wrong, the truck is really neat. The fact that it is not a total rat trap with rust and junk falling off of it is great too. The glass is all present, and as we mentioned it is a runner and a driver.

If you love rare and interesting trucks we’re interested to know what you think it is worth? We’d say $10,000 would be fair for what it is but that’s just us. Whaddya saw there Daddy Warbucks?

CL Link: This 1965 Dodge D200 long bed truck is pricey and strange

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15 thoughts on “Does Freaky and Weird Equal Expensive? The Seller Of This 1965 Dodge D200 Long Bed Sure Does

  1. Jay Bree

    Growing up as an Air Force brat, we saw more than a few of these in service in various places like the flight line.

    My guess is the US Mil were responsible for most (all?) of the purchases of these

  2. jerry z

    It may be freaky and weird but all I see is a whole lot of ugly! Dodge truck were just plain ugly till the 70’s. You couldn’t pay me enough to own this thing.

  3. KCR

    Anything such as this truck .Is only worth what you can get someone to pay for it. I have one of these very trucks. My truck is pretty rare.Its 2 wheel drive like this one.How ever it is a short bed. All that still is just up to what someone will pay for it . My truck is in as good of shape or better than this one. I bought it for $4,000 with 53k original miles and original big block. And as the question was asked ,everyone that watches American Pickers .And they see something kinda like what they own ,they now have a gold mine to sell. Years ago Gas Monkey did a sweptline Dodge .After that all old Dodge parts said “just like the one on Gas Monkey ” and all the prices doubled. Yes there are some odd freaky rare units that are worth a big check. Like maybe a Kaiser Darin .The sports car with the sliding doors. But this truck ,not so much. in a real world .With the parts ,Long bed,not original engine ,Didn’t state miles .I think high end price for this truck is 6K. I am no expert .That’s just what I think.Now if you come across a Packard woody in a barn .Yep that may pay off your house.

    1. Joseph Musial

      $15 G for that, i like dodge but thats a hunk of junk. The guy must be smoking grade a weed or hitting the crack pipe a lot. Even it it had the original engine it wouldn\’t bring 6 grand.

  4. john

    use to work for a Pennzoil dealer. it was a 1968 and looked like this. looked beat up and scary and the fun part was nobody on the roads would want to do battle with it. it went 300k before it went away.
    if you buy one of these, better start stocking up on front end parts. they are different, rare and hard to find.

  5. bob

    I always say, you can always go down in price, but you can’t go up. Having said that, remember price sells. He’s going to have this one a looong time.

  6. Stephen

    I have a \’71 long bed crew cab just like it and last time I looked the blue book value my county uses for tax value said it was worth over $20k.

  7. Steve

    Sweptlines are rapidly increasing in value. Tim Molzen\’s custom \’62 Crew Cab
    sold for $125,000 earlier this year at auction as I recall. And yeah, I think this one is a bit overpriced, but the days of finding almost any 60\’s or 70\’s era Mopar for a song are long gone. Every dollar in increased value keeps another one out of the crusher. And the price-whining reminds me of the guys who still bitch that they can\’t find a \’68 Charger for $3,000 anymore like they could when they dropped out of high school in 1983. Supply and demand…#merica

  8. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Put it on airbags and slam in a supercharged Hellcat motor. Then it might be worth its selling price….

  9. CyberRanger

    Used to see these, except in long bed stepsides 4x4s at the USFS office behind our house in Steamboat Springs. They were all GSA trucks. I hear they could also be found on the Alaska pipeline along w/ crew cab 60-66 Chevys.

  10. Gary Smrtic

    I’d give the man his money in a New York minute. It’s just too good to pass up. (Good think I’m too cash poor to actually act on that premise!)

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