Get It Up There: Viagra Hill Attempts From The Busted Knuckle Vault!

Get It Up There: Viagra Hill Attempts From The Busted Knuckle Vault!

Whoever decided to name the obstacle at Disney, Oklahoma “Viagra Hill” is one warped puppy. The obstacle, a rock wall with a water feature at the starting point, was for a long time considered nearly impossible. It’s been surmounted , but it’s still one of the more visually arresting hills in the rockbouncing community. Blast your way up the nearly sheer wall with wet tires, and you look like a hero. Screw up, and you ping-pong your way back down into the water. That’s just it. So if you don’t make it, you’ll be asked about your troubles getting it up there, and if you do make it you can stand tall, full of pride.

Now that those are out of the way, what are you watching here? This is a collection of Viagra Hill attempts, from the radical video of Bobby Tanner’s Internet-breaking shot up the side during the Big Meat Run (c’mon, another one?!) back in 2013 to every other attempt made that Busted Knuckle Films caught with their camera. It sounds dirty and all, but this is probably one of the cleaner videos you’re watching while stuck at home, isn’t it?

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