Watch Two Russians Slug It Out As One Of Their Vehicles Makes A Run For It With No One Inside

Watch Two Russians Slug It Out As One Of Their Vehicles Makes A Run For It With No One Inside

It takes a pretty amazing level of dedication and anger management issues to get so pissed off at someone walking in front of your car that you scream at them, draw them to your vehicle and then start throwing haymakers at them. Even more blind rage is required to exit your vehicle while neglecting to put it in park so that it rolls down the road toward oncoming traffic with no one driving.

As you’ll see the driver noticed the error of his ways and made an attempt to get back to the truck, but the pedestrian wasn’t too keen on allowing that to happen so as the driver tried to reach in to hit the parking brake (this must be a stick shift truck) he clobbered the dude on the back of the head and brought the fight to the ground….as the truck continued on its slow march toward the horizon. In a miraculous twist that only Russian energy could provide, the truck stays in the correct lane, and travels in a virtually perfect straight line as cars on the other side of the road sit helpless. As you’ll see, the two men end their tussle and the driver begins to make his way toward the truck at the end of the video. It does look like a snow bank brought the box truck to a gentle stop.

A couple of things here. Firstly, kudos to the guy who went the extra mile and drove his car onto the wrong side of the road to get the best film of this from his dash cam. That was heads up thinking at its finest. Secondly, what do you think the truck driver says to his wife when he gets home and she asks, “Soooo, how was your day?” Is it possible that this man simply grunts, “Good” and then goes about eating whatever boiled culinary disaster has been prepared for him or does it go like this, “Well, it was pretty cold out today and I got into a street fight with someone who I had never seen before and my truck rolled down the street! Yup, you wouldn’t have believed it. Lefts, rights, the son of a bitch jumped on my back, but I ended up scaring him off and the truck didn’t kill anyone… all in all a pretty good day!” The best part of the whole thing? The translated title of the video is “Pedestrian Wrong”. 

Like all these Russian videos, they need to be seen to be believed. Check this out –


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1 thoughts on “Watch Two Russians Slug It Out As One Of Their Vehicles Makes A Run For It With No One Inside

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Plisss be helpings mi I am truck mi driver of road is idiots!

    I am knowings want to be driffings away from man who slips with pigs!

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