We have to thank XS Power Batteries dude at large Brady Basner for the tip on what could be the most historically significant Craigslist find ever! While the ad claims that the seller lives down by a river and that the tires are almost knew with 60,000 miles on them, there’s one thing that’s not included. Clearly this is the primordial cousin to the Chevrolet Avalanche. If you can’t see the similarities you’re lying to yourself.
Of course we are kidding but the ad itself is pretty good. If this truck were in good shape and if the thing were pulled off as cleanly as we think it could be, it would be pretty awesome looking. The extra hunk of bed welded to the back of the existing truck is pretty much perfect, being bright red and all.
Enjoy the ad!
Here’s the text of the ad in case it gets pulled down –
There was an old timer that had a similar unit in St. Paul’s Midway. His did not have the extended bed, but was classed up with a big piece of cardboard separating the cabin from the cargo.
6 lug wheels, so this is likely a crew cab body on a half ton 4 wheel drive chassis. Crew cabs were only on 3/4 and 1 ton chassis back then.
Its not a crew cab, its a suburban which its roof was cut off
I have a 1/2 ton with six lug axles,bone stock down to the gear knob.
A buddy of mine in North Carolina made one. Left the stock Suburban leinght painted Hot Rod matte Black It may have been at the auto fair in 2015 and may go in 2016.