How To Replace The Door Glass And Manual Regulator On Your Squarebody. The Glass Is NOT All The Same Year To Year!

How To Replace The Door Glass And Manual Regulator On Your Squarebody. The Glass Is NOT All The Same Year To Year!

A squarebody is a squarebody, right? Well, there might be some differences that aren’t the ones you already know. Clearly the 1973-1980 trucks are different in body shape, trim, and grilles up front, than the 1981-1987 models, and of course Suburbans and Crew Cabs are still squarebodies into the early 1990s. But there are some other small things that are different that you might not realize. In this video from Chad at Squarebody Stuff, he’s swapping out the regulator and driver’s door window in his crew cab and will show us just how to do this job. It’s not hard, can totally be done in your own garage or driveway, and isn’t expensive. But, you do need to make sure you have the right parts, the right tools, and know what you are in for.

Luckily, Chad is going to share how to pull this swap off, and give you some tips and tricks that he knows work well and that might help you on your own project.

Check out the video below and let us know what you think!

Video Description:

After 15 years of putting up with my drivers window not going up and down the ways it’s supposed to. I finally replace it and the regulator with some better units. I also cover the difference in the glass through the years. They’re not all the same. To top it off I give my 84 Crewcab K30 some new to me door panels as an upgrade.

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