White Christmas In The Forecast? This Rotary Snow Blower Equipped 6×6 RC Truck Can Help!

White Christmas In The Forecast? This Rotary Snow Blower Equipped 6×6 RC Truck Can Help!

Many of you may be facing the possibility to experiencing a magical white Christmas this year. The wind will be gusting, the will be flying snow is flying and when it is all said and done, you are going to have to get out there and deal with it. Maybe it has already been a snowy winter and your kids have been home on what amounts to weeks of unplanned vacation which is always a joy.

Anyway, the root of all this is that at some point you are going to have to head outside with my trusty shovel and dig out the cars, perhaps a frozen passer-by, and whatever else you come across your my driveway. If you had the RC 6×6 big rig shown below it would make the job far more entertaining. It would also make the job last months and months because it doesn’t really move that much snow but being as easily entertained as youI am, you’d dig it.

The truck is one of the more famous RC vehicles on the internet. You have likely seen it before wearing tracks and doing all kinds of off-roady stuff as well. The rotary plow seems to have been a custom made piece that the guys adapted to the front of the truck to see if they could make it work and guess what…they did! Seeing the truck with its three steering axles, knobby tires, and now this piece of neatness on the front should make smile. Especially because you can sympathize with the white hell those people live in as well.

Watch your fingers, kids!

Press play below and watch the video of this cool homemade creation – fun stuff!

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