“Big Bud” is a massive, custom built tractor that has earned the title of “World’s Biggest Farm Tractor”. Sporting twin 66-inch tall tires on all four corners, a 16 cylinder Detroit Diesel that makes a claimed 900hp and axles that were probably made by the Greek god Vulcan himself, this is a tractor that no mortal pulling sled can contain, or even two pulling sleds can contain.
The tractor was custom built in Montana back in 1977. It has been used on farms in California and Florida before coming back to Montana to reside with the Williams Brothers farm. This tractor can work more than one acre of land per-minute pulling an 80ft wide cultivator at 8mph. It is also the size of a three story house on wheels.
Listen to the big 16 cylinder Detroit work as it pulls not one, but two pulling sleds linked together down the track. Hell, they even loaded a tractor onto the front of the first sled. They threw everything they had at him and the big fellow just hunkers down and drags them into the moonlight.
We want to drive this thing!