This Rules! Remote Control Tamiya Cars Come To Life In Full Size At The Goodwood Festival Of Speed!

Well, this rules! You are about to watch a video about remote control Tamiya cars come to life in full size at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. These things are not just “close” they are dead nuts on and perfect. The Jeep, the VW, and the buggy are all toys that we lusted after as kids and when you see them as 1:1 size machines it is kind of shocking in a great way.The video tells the story of why they were built, how they were built, and it shows them being run up the hill at Goodwood much to the delight of the crowd. If they could just come up with a Midnight Express van and a Clod Hopper truck we’d probably run to England immediately just to meet them. Hell, we want to go right now.

Goodwood is a painfully awesome event. It’s only painful because we have never gone and the closest we are going to come any time soon is through the killer videos that they have been cranking out on their channel. Just when you thought it was all old race cars and stuff, this pops up. Who did not either have or want one of these when they were a kid? Given the chance, we’d drive the Jeep in a heartbeat. The tires alone are worth the price of admission.

The video is great because it is not just the cars and trucks going up the hill, it is the backstory behind their creation. That’s where the real magic lies in stuff like this. The “why” questions are always the most fun to learn the answers to.

Excuse us, we’re about to ravage the internet looking for Tamiya remote control cars and trucks. We’ll be over here if you need us.

Press play below to see remote control Tamiya cars come to life at Goodwood –

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