SEMA 2016: Here’s A Load Of Truck Specific Photos – Horsepower, Big Tires, and Fun

SEMA 2016: Here’s A Load Of Truck Specific Photos – Horsepower, Big Tires, and Fun

Trucks are a massive part of the SEMA 2016 experience. Their presence is humongous in the world of the size and scope of the SEMA 2016 world. When you think about the amount of money spent in the after market, trucks are as big a hunk of the puzzle as cars are. From wheels and tires to winches, blowers, and suspension systems, there’s a lot of money tied up in the world of trucks.

As it turns out, the trucks you see at SEMA span the realm of hot rods, bro-dozers, street rods, and pro touring among others. This collection of truck photos should give you a small sample of what we’re dealing with here at SEMA 2016 in regard to rigs.

Many of these trucks are being seen by the public for the first time ever so you are in a very small percentage of people who have ever seen these vehicles before. As “big” as SEMA 2016 is, the internet is infinitely larger!

Click on the photos to expand them and then scroll to see them all –

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1 thoughts on “SEMA 2016: Here’s A Load Of Truck Specific Photos – Horsepower, Big Tires, and Fun

  1. sbg

    Do you think SEMA has been overrun by art cars? you know, cars with no discernible purpose other then to sit the and look (pick one or all) pretty/strange/weird?

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