Speed Is Overrated: Watch This Massive Ford Crew Cab Slog Through The Deep Michigan Muck

Speed Is Overrated: Watch This Massive Ford Crew Cab Slog Through The Deep Michigan Muck

Yeah the drag racing and pro touring guys like to brag about how fast their stuff accelerates or how many lateral g-forces it can exert on their bodies but the fact remains that the ultimate authority resides with the vehicles that are capable of literally crushing all others. This giant Ford crew cab is one of them. I don’t know why I am attracted to trucks with tractor tires on them like a fat kid to marshmallows but I am. Maybe it was exposure to cane tires mud boggers at an early age or the fact that they just look like they’re capable of attacking and destroying small cities if necessary but take a truck like this big Ford and put it in front of me and I’d watch it work for hours. In this case the mud, muck, and mire is located in Michigan and the truck at hand bogs through it like it ain’t no thing. We’re not sure what is in this thing for an engine but we do know that the transmission is under incredible strain when those big tires are trying to churn through the mud. You can hear the engine laboring and at the low speeds all of this abuse is happening at we can only imagine the transmission temps and wear that driving like this causes. Popping automatic transmissions combined with flash fires are not exactly foreign occurrences in these conditions.

There’s something anti-evolution about these tractor tire trucks as well. The world is full of big trucks that have incredible agility and articulation and then there’s these big lumbering giants which are stiffer than steel I-beams and about as prone to rolling over as sleeping cows. That’s the charm in them if you ask us. Leaping and climbing are fine but bashing through obstacles with blunt force trauma will always be cool!


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