When one combines a giant military truck with a small luxury condo, you get this. A Stewart and Stevenson LMTV based luxury SUV with only 31,000 miles on the clock is for sale on eBay. Yeah, the thing goes for $215,000 but let’s not get our undies in a bunch over that. Look at the price of luxury coaches and stuff. Those babies are running a million plus for the real high end junk and this thing is about one fifth of that and barely broken in.
The buyer here needs to be fairly specific, right? Someone who does not want to just drive at 62mph down the highway but rather someone who wants to head off into the great unknown and see parts of this world (and live in parts of this world) that are simply not easy to get to. Yes, this thing’s height may be an issue in some places but the fact that it has those massive tires, central tire inflation, lockers, and all of the robust strength of an army truck means that it’ll go places where even some capable SUVs and pickups may not be able to get.
Need to ford a river? This thing has the clearance and setup to do it. Want to crawl some rocks? Sure, kick the thing into the granny gear and use the 800+ lb-ft of torque (plus gear multiplication) at your toe tips.
The engine is a 3126 Caterpillar and the transmission is an Allison automatic. That’s a combo that we’d not worry about taking into the wilderness. Would you? The downside is the top speed which as mentioned is 62mph. The fuel economy is likely measured in gallons per mile but that’s not the point of this deal.
A camper is one thing, this monster is 100% another!