This 1972 Jeep Commando Is The Nicest One Year Oddity You’ll See Today – Buy It!

This 1972 Jeep Commando Is The Nicest One Year Oddity You’ll See Today – Buy It!

Is it not often but every time we see a 1972 Jeep Commando we cock out head to the side and squint a little. Why? Well from 1966 to 1971 Kaiser and then AMC had a hot little number on their hands with the 101″ wheelbase Jeep(ster) Commando. The short wheelbase rig was designed to compete with the likes of the poplar Ford Bronco and International Scout. When AMC got control of the Jeep brand in 1970 they started working their way through the line and making changes and alterations. They got to the Commando for the 1972 model year and in order to package the AMC powertrains in them, the nose of the Commando was redesigned and it wasn’t exactly the most popular change. In fact, by 1973 the completely cancelled the model. So the first thing to know about this truck is that it is rare as hell.

You guys and girls know that we thrive on odd around here and just because this thing is different doesn’t mean we hate it or anything. In fact with the lift and tires on it along with the quality of the rig top and bottom, this is something that we would totally cruise and wheel. We’d ditch the mall cruiser tires on their now for something more aggressive that Mikey Thompson makes. The 304ci AMC small block seems to be loving life under there and its torquey nature is the right mill for this truck. OK a 401 would be the RIGHT mill for this truck but we’re just being picky now. The engine has been rebuilt according to the seller so it has that going for it.

Not perfect my a long shot there are electrical and cosmetic things to fix but overall this 1972 Jeep Commanndo is really BangShifty and neat. We’d cruise it, odd schnoz and all!

Scroll down and then hit the link to see this Commando’s eBay ad:

commando1 commando2 commando3 commando4 commando5 commando6 commando7


eBay ad: 1972 Jeep Commando for sale – Super clean and pretty rare 

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