This 1977 Dodge Tandem Axle Van Is A Long Wheelbase, Bedroom Equipped Freak On Wheels!

This 1977 Dodge Tandem Axle Van Is A Long Wheelbase, Bedroom Equipped Freak On Wheels!

The revival/resurgence of the vintage vanning scene is still in its growth stages so now is the time to get up on some cool old iron so when the thing blows open like an over ripe melon, you’ll be the king. How would one go about achieving that lofty position? Owning a van with an extra axle, a bedroom, and stained glass windows inside of it would be a damned good start, right? Boy do we have the deal for you. For just $9,000 you can have all that, a smooth running 360ci Dodge engine, and room for new members of your budding cult as well.

This van was a huge dollar build back in the 1970s/early 80s when it was completed, right? Can we agree on that? Having lived in California its whole life, the paint is mildly cooked but other than that the thing is in awesome shape. No rust, no stuff falling off, and the interior is complete. Ah, the interior.

There’s only one decent shot with the side doors open but the gaping maw of the van shows us a true pleasure palace the likes of which any red-blooded American male could revel in. We’d hire a crime scene cleaning company to give it the whole hose-down before setting foot inside it but other than that, we’re in.

This thing is wild!

Craigslist: This 1977 Dodge tandem axle van is just what someone needs

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8 thoughts on “This 1977 Dodge Tandem Axle Van Is A Long Wheelbase, Bedroom Equipped Freak On Wheels!

  1. HotRodPop

    I just popped a chubbie! Some more detail shots woulda been nice, but, a little work, a billowy silk shirt, and some gold chains, and I’d hit the beach!! Except… the walker don’t do too good in sand… FML!

  2. Bill Greenwood

    I’ve actually seen one of those. It was on a local Dodge dealer’s lot. Modern updates to the interior, an injected 440, and dual out both rear axles, and this thing could really rock.

  3. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Call in the tactical cleaning team to remove all those stains from the walls, floor and ceiling…..

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