This Video Featuring The Rebuild Of An Ancient Cadillac 314ci V8 Is The Right Way To Celebrate 3/14

This Video Featuring The Rebuild Of An Ancient Cadillac 314ci V8 Is The Right Way To Celebrate 3/14

One of the great engines that no one aside from early Cadillac experts really remembers much about is the 314ci V8 the company offered in the ‘teens and twenties. It was the engine that set the standard 90-degree off-set that was to become the standard for virtually every V8 engine that followed it. Offering 70 and then more than 80hp after being refined in the early 1920s it is considered one of the best engines of the 20th century by many and was put on the list Ward’s made honoring that topic just a few years ago.

This video below shows a 1927 Cadillac 314 being pulled apart and rebuilt. It follows the engine from the very start of the disassembly through machining, reassembly, and even a fire up and running session as well. The thing is huge and it has to weigh half a million pounds by the looks of it.

The engine builder is a bad ass because you will see him doing his own Babbit bearings and the whole works to this thing. The machining that was done seems to be at a professional level and you get a great mechanical tour of the engine as well. Three main bearings and because this engine was made before the technology was around to make mono block V8 engines, the cylinder banks on both sides bolt onto the engine.

A truly cool engine that you probably didn’t expect to see today and a truly cool build where it seems all was done right.

Press play below to watch this this rebuild of a Cadillac 314ci V8 –

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